Welcome to my gallery of film based images illustrating Australia's natural Landscapes. Through these works I have tried to respect the authenticity of Nature's creation, by choosing to value its structural integrity as a core element. My belief is that a considered view captured on B&W film can both maintain that inherent reality, while exposing something of its visual ambiguity. However my intention is not to portray iconic locations through a conservative model of aesthetic perfection, but rather to explore the fringes of this expressive world, revealing these realities on their own terms. To this end, I try to avoid those immediately visual subjects that rely exclusively upon spectacle, emotive lighting or dramatic weather for their impact. Instead my mind is open to a more intimate appreciation of our natural world, where individual subjects can be seen to interact with other players on this stage, often with just as much intent as can be witnessed in our human world. By aligning my lived experiences with Landscape's visual expression, I hope to capture perhaps a piece of this shared understanding.